Farris Story: 'They never hired anyone to do anything, they did it themselves.'

"I suppose if I chose an inspiration, it would be my father, and also his father. I'm a 'doer'. I've remodeled our entire home by learning how on my own. . . and those traits I learned from my father and grandfather. They never hired anyone to do anything, they did it themselves. As I was growing up, I watched them build everything they needed. . . a lake cabin, a garage, repair a combine or a tractor. I suppose with modern technology, I'm a bit of a YouTube "cheater" but I do it all myself, because of them. I've repaired 100ish IPhone screens, installed 1000sf hardwood floor, moved exterior walls and put in new foundations, installed sprinkler systems...whatever. ...because as I grew up, I watched." - Carlson from WA