The Farris Project
Watch The FARRIS Story (2 Minutes), share a story of someone who was an inspiration in your life and join the movement.
Due to brand new FDA regulations, we are no longer able to give away free cigars to those who write in with their inspirational stories. Please continue to write in and join the movement. To those who do, we will send you a one time discount code to purchase a Farris cigar for just $2.00. Just fill out the form below and we'll take care of the rest. Many people have already shared their stories... read these stories and get inspired in the STORIES section of our site. Contact for more information.
The Farris Project in Louisville
On Saturday Nov 7th, five FARRIS storytellers came to Louisville to visit and discuss their inspirational stories with Ted. We're calling it Phase 2... hear all about it (below).
Click here to watch the new "PHASE 2" video series.

Farris Storyteller Gallery
What started it all... The Original Farris Intro Video:
We'd love to share your stories with our friends via social media. If you need to change the names to protect the innocent, we understand. It's the importance of that person in your life that we want to hear about. "Happiness is a choice." Tell us about the special person that made a difference in your life, and we'll send you a discount code to purchase a farris cigar for just $2.00. Complete the form below and we will send you your discount code.