#FarrisStory: 'Stay focused on the future and don't let others tell me what's possible'

"When I reached the age of 16 I received my drivers license like many young adults. In order to get around I needed gas money. Throughout the years there was a family friend who owned a machine shop 5 minutes from my house and I knew several of his employees. The first week of summer I stop this shop and asked Ryan, the owner, for a job which he responded I'll see you at 7:00 am tomorrow. I had no idea what I would be doing or how much money I would be making but I showed up at 6:45 the next morning ready to work. Little did I know that I would remain at the same company throughout high-school and until I graduated college. Along the way I started by sweeping floors and cleaning up and by the end my stay there I had learned how to program CNC machines and become the CAD programmer for the company. Aside from moving up in the small company Ryan taught me strong work ethics and instilled in me the passion to take pride in my work. Closing in on my last year there Ryan started telling me I am going to have a great company one day and to stay focused on the future don't let others tell me what's possible. After I graduated I moved on went to work for a different company closer to my home, got married and started a family. In doing all this Ryan retired and sold his company. Ryan and I remained in contact and he always ask me work is going and have I started my own shop. After 5 years of planning and hard work what Ryan saw in me is becoming a reality. My company is projected to open full force at the beginning of 2016. I am forever grateful in the lessons Ryan taught me and giving me the passion to become a small business owner." - Justin from Conroe, TX