"My story is of my grandfather Orville Sherman smith, not only is this my grandfather, this is a courageous WWII veteran. If he isn't the most important man in my life he definitely ranks in the top 3, my father was absent a lot of my childhood and my parents divorced when I was 1 year old. But this incredible man volunteered for WWII walked and hitchhiked 50 miles from Elwood Indiana to the MEPS in Indianapolis to volunteer for WWII. While he was there he was in the battle of the bulge was awarded 2 bronze stars. His wife divorced him while in war. When he returned to the United States, he met and married my grandmother who already had 7 children. He loved and supported my mother and her brothers and sisters. He taught me what it means to be a man. I was constantly in his shadow tilling gardens and chopping wood. Anytime I could spend with him just wasn't enough. My brothers and sisters would call him and my grandmother and beg that they come and pick us up and no matter how busy they were, they always made time for us. It was so painful when he left this world. This story is proof I think of him on a daily basis. I just wish I could spend one more day working with him in the garden." - Ryan from Anderson, IN