Share your inspirational story April 03, 2015Kurt Owings "My dad has always been an inspiration to me. He was my Google before Google. He was and still is my Encyclopedia Britannica. I could ask him about anything and...
Share your inspirational story April 03, 2015Kurt Owings "My inspiration is my dad. Growing up in the 50's for an African American male was tough but he endured it, went to college, graduated, and then spent 27 years...
Share your inspirational story April 03, 2015Kurt Owings "The most inspirational person in my life would be my significant other Tricia. No matter what happens in life she is alway positive and supportive. I currently serve in the...
Share your inspirational story April 03, 2015Kurt Owings "The special person in my life is my wife, Diana. She, like Ted's grandmother, also believes happiness is a choice. Although I'm not as good as her in applying this...
Share your inspirational story April 03, 2015Kurt Owings "The inspirational person in my life is my mother. She was born into a poor family with 4 siblings and didn't have much as a child. She met my father...
Share your inspirational story April 01, 2015Kurt Owings "The person that has inspired me the most would have to be my wife, Lauren. I have been in the Army for 7 years and with that time she has...
Share your inspirational story April 01, 2015Kurt Owings "The person who inspired me is actually several people. By default, my parents - for raising me to become a great man I am today (pending scrutiny of my wife...
Share your inspirational story March 31, 2015Kurt Owings "It may seem cliche, but my mom made such a huge impact on my life that without her, I am sure I would not have turned into the woman I...
Share your inspirational story March 30, 2015Kurt Owings "My stepfather was an inspiration to me by always explaining simple matters of which I should have known. He would also try to show me how a father was to...
Share your inspirational story March 30, 2015Kurt Owings "I have a neighbor everybody calls 'Aunt Nell.' She is 107. She still lives independently in her own home. She reads a lot. She goes to exercise class 2 times...
Share your inspirational story March 30, 2015Kurt Owings "My father is an inspiration to me. At the age of 50 he was "downsized" from his job in favor of a younger person. Instead of getting down, he used...
Share your inspirational story March 27, 2015Kurt Owings "My story is about a great man we will call John. John grew up on a farm in the 1920's. He never had much growing up. Throughout his life he...