"The story of Lois Farris instantly made me think of Hannah. I do not know the relation our family had to Hannah. We were not related, but we visited Hannah during weekends. Hannah did not have much money, her house was extremely run down, it was not a particularly clean environment, there were several abandoned buildings in the neighborhood, but it was one of my favorite places to visit. I always felt welcomed and loved and it was an environment where my mother would smile. Everyone smiled around Hannah.
She had 12 children, 3 sets of twins and their names always made me smile - Esther and Chester, Ferris and Dennis and Pinky and Hoppy. And withe all these children there were a bunch of grandchildren always coming in and out of her place. Her door was always open. Anything Hannah had she would share. Though we knew they were poor, we always ate there when we visited, sometimes there was a trading of clothes. My mother would drop off clothes that would be used by someone in Hannah's family or someone she knew and we would also take things home with us.
I always remember not wanting to leave to go home. Always remember being hugged until it hurt. But i smiled through it all.
When Hannah died the neighborhood where the funeral home was located was crowed with people. It was a very simple ceremony but very memorable. Most of her children and grandchildren spoke and almost everybody who knew her wanted to speak as well.
Thinking now about this i will call my mother to bring up those times we had with Hannah. And I know I will see my mother smile at those thoughts. I appreciate having read this story of Lois Farris which sparked these thoughts of Hannah. Thank you for sharing and asking others to share. I trust this very positive ripple effect will continue for quite a while." - Valle