"My story is of my Uncle Stanley Souza. Stan had a dairy farm on the outskirts of Merced, Ca. He was a dairyman almost all his life and worked 7 days a week for many years. As a young boy I used to spend my summers on the Souza dairy learning about life, hard work and also how to have fun and celebrate a hard days work. I remember watching my Uncle bring in the cows and get them in the corral to wait for the next milking station to become available. He would be in with the herd, with his cow cane and a big Cigar taming the beast into submission showing them that he was the lead Bull of the herd. I reminisce of the sweet smell of a good cigar wafting through the barn while we worked and would often wonder what it was like to smoke a cigar. My Uncle was a huge influence on my life and I have missed him dearly over the years. I now have a family of my own and and have carried many of the lessons I learned and passed them on to my boys. I find myself many nights enjoying a nice Habano or Maduro and think of my Uncle Stanley and wonder what his preference was back in the day." - Dan from Modesto, CA