#FarrisStory: "Don't mind what others think." September 14, 2015Kurt Owings "My grandfather inspired me to be as independent as I wanted. Own my own business. Don't mind what others think. Do what you enjoy. Live the life you want --...
#FarrisStory: A Thank You to "Big Al" September 14, 2015Kurt Owings "A special person that has made a difference in my life has been Al. He has been a role model and father figure to me, by welcoming me in to...
#FarrisStory: Meeting His Future Wife September 10, 2015Kurt Owings "It was the year 2005 and I had gone back to school to further my education the year before. At school I had met a very nice lady who had...
#FarrisStory: Father Teaches The Love of Leaf And Much More September 10, 2015Kurt Owings "My father, Ralph Morano, has made a difference in my life. He taught me how to work hard, take care of my family, be a great father, then enjoy a...
#FarrisStory: Grandfather With Positive Outlook On Life September 10, 2015Kurt Owings "The person in my life who always chose happiness was my fathers father, my grandfather. Always had a smile on his face and loved family and friends and was a...
#FarrisStory: A Wife Who Is Always In A Good Mood September 03, 2015Kurt Owings "I love my wife Jessica because she is able to do what I cannot. I don't know how she does it, but she's always in a good mood! Drives me...
#FarrisStory: "He taught me how to be an honest man, a great husbans, and a loving father" September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "My dad has been a big influence on me growing up. He taught me how to be an honest man, a great husband, and a loving father. We are still...
#FarrisStory: "do it to the best of your ability" September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "At a very young age my father instilled in me 'if you are going to do anything, do it to the best of your ability.' With that said, I started...
#FarrisStory: Grandfather "made a lasting impression on everyone he came into contact with" September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "What a great story! Someone who inspired me was my grandfather. Anyone who knew him could probably recount his story of being 'born dead' and how the doctors and nurses...
#FarrisStory: Lord And Savior Saves From Drugs And Alcohol September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "I was struggling with drugs and alcohol, when a gentleman came into my business, spent some time with me, inquiring about my life, invited my wife and I to dinner....
#FarrisStory: Inspired By Daughter Who Beat Self-Abuse September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "Very simply, my daughter. She struggled silently with self-abuse for years. I never knew it and felt like a failure as a dad. Then she did finally tell me, it...
#FarrisStory: "my grandmother had a heart of gold September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "My grandmother was a huge inspiration in my life may she rest in peace. She was a saint just like my wife is seriously. Do for everyone and don't ask...