#FarrisStory: A Thank You to "Big Al" September 14, 2015Kurt Owings "A special person that has made a difference in my life has been Al. He has been a role model and father figure to me, by welcoming me in to...
#FarrisStory: Meeting His Future Wife September 10, 2015Kurt Owings "It was the year 2005 and I had gone back to school to further my education the year before. At school I had met a very nice lady who had...
#FarrisStory: Father Teaches The Love of Leaf And Much More September 10, 2015Kurt Owings "My father, Ralph Morano, has made a difference in my life. He taught me how to work hard, take care of my family, be a great father, then enjoy a...
#FarrisStory: Grandfather With Positive Outlook On Life September 10, 2015Kurt Owings "The person in my life who always chose happiness was my fathers father, my grandfather. Always had a smile on his face and loved family and friends and was a...
#FarrisStory: A Wife Who Is Always In A Good Mood September 03, 2015Kurt Owings "I love my wife Jessica because she is able to do what I cannot. I don't know how she does it, but she's always in a good mood! Drives me...
#FarrisStory: "He taught me how to be an honest man, a great husbans, and a loving father" September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "My dad has been a big influence on me growing up. He taught me how to be an honest man, a great husband, and a loving father. We are still...
#FarrisStory: "do it to the best of your ability" September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "At a very young age my father instilled in me 'if you are going to do anything, do it to the best of your ability.' With that said, I started...
#FarrisStory: Grandfather "made a lasting impression on everyone he came into contact with" September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "What a great story! Someone who inspired me was my grandfather. Anyone who knew him could probably recount his story of being 'born dead' and how the doctors and nurses...
#FarrisStory: Lord And Savior Saves From Drugs And Alcohol September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "I was struggling with drugs and alcohol, when a gentleman came into my business, spent some time with me, inquiring about my life, invited my wife and I to dinner....
#FarrisStory: Inspired By Daughter Who Beat Self-Abuse September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "Very simply, my daughter. She struggled silently with self-abuse for years. I never knew it and felt like a failure as a dad. Then she did finally tell me, it...
#FarrisStory: "my grandmother had a heart of gold September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "My grandmother was a huge inspiration in my life may she rest in peace. She was a saint just like my wife is seriously. Do for everyone and don't ask...
#FarrisStory: Uncle Teaches Golf, Cigar In Mouth September 02, 2015Kurt Owings "Who influenced me the most, my Uncle. He introduced me to cigars as well. He taught me how to drive and to golf. My favorite memories and there were many,...